HAPPY people
& thoughtful words


“Thank you for being wonderful.”


“You really are an amazingly gifted team and have a knack for bringing out the best in every child.”


“’S’ has enjoyed her days immensely and is well prepared for ‘Big School’ after your great care and guidance in every way. “


“Thank you for your dedication, your enthusiasm, and the attention you’ve given ‘M’ this year.”


“Thank you for providing a ‘constant’ in our ever changing life, for giving her the opportunity to try activities and experiences we could not give her.”

“Thank you for helping me to grow and shine bright.”


“Thank you again for your unwavering kindness and caring towards my most precious thing in the whole wide world.”

And to quote Luke who was sent to us on work experience because there wasn’t a place for experience at a solicitors!...”I thank you greatly for an invaluable work experience and for opening my eyes to this kind of work.” 

“Thank you for not giving up on him during challenging times.”

“Thank you for taking such good care of our precious little girl. And also for being so patient and understanding with us too!”

“Thank you for being part of our journey.”


“J started Pre School in September as a shy and quiet little boy and with all your support and encouragement he leaves a very happy and confident boy, ready to take on the next big milestone in his life. “


“You’ve all created a lovely happy atmosphere at Pre-School which is obvious the moment you walk through the door.”